News coverage of the 80th Anniversary of the Bombing


Image above: The anniversary activities at the Cenotaph on the Esplanade of Darwin last weekend. You will be there on Anzac Day 2022. 

I am sure you have been reading and watching about the 80th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin on 19 February 2022 over the past week. As expected there was a tremendous amount of news stories and article about the bombing for the general public to read, watch and digest. For many people, the extent of the bombing was a revelation, both surprising and disturbing.  You will immerse yourself in the stories associated with the bombing when you are in Darwin in April.  Please take the time to read and view the links below that cover many aspects of the anniversary commemoration activities and provide a real insight into the February 1942 happenings in Darwin all those yeas ago. 

Prime Minister’s Message on 19 February 2022

Bombing of Darwin - 80 years since Australia came under attack | Prime Minister of Australia (


News coverage to watch

Go to 80 anniversary of teh bombing of Darwin - Bing video and watch news coverage of the 80 Anniversary events in Darwin. Many of the places shown you will be visiting in April.

Canberra Times 17 February 2022

80th anniversary of Darwin bombing to be remembered across the nation

80th anniversary of Darwin bombing to be remembered across the nation | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT

ABC News 19 February 2022

Northern Territory marks 80th anniversary of bombing of Darwin during WWI

Northern Territory marks 80th anniversary of bombing of Darwin during WWII - ABC News

Japanese news coverage (Kyoda News) - interesting to contemplate 80 years after the event.

Australia commemorates 80 years since Japanese bombing of Darwin (

Department for Veteran Affairs: Anzac Portal

Air raids - Anzac Portal (


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