April has not happened but all is go for October!

Still waiting for Darwin Study Tour but it will happen!! Unfortunately, we needed to cancel the April trip because of COVID considerations. Whilst incredibly disappointing, the good news is that the trip has been re-scheduled for 1-11 October this year. The itinerary has been completed and booked with only a few changes. The main reason for the changes is that we do not now have Anzac Day commitments in Darwin, and as a result we can spend more time adventuring in Kakadu and Arnhem Land. The new trip looks fantastic and we now have to wait another 6 month before the group finally has the trip to share and learn from. Whilst it has been a long wait, the staff are determined that this will be a great trip for you all. We will probably meet as a group before October because in June a new group of Premier Anzac Spirit School Prize awardees will be announced and presented with their medallions and certificates - you will all be invited to that ceremony if it is held before...