Final details on what you need to do regarding your research

Here is some information about what you need to do regarding the individual you are researching for the commemoration activities. 

  1. I have all the names now (see the blog at ) and I gather you have researched their story. I do not want a huge research essay, just a brief summary of their background, what they were doing in Darwin and how they died – if you can find out all of that. It would also be great to have any photographs of the person if you can find them. I suggest it needs to be only about 300-500 words in length with any photographs you find. If you find out a lot of information about the person, it is fine to write more but for some of the individuals selected there is very little information. Most importantly we want you to engage with the story of an individual, so that when we go to the Adelaide War Cemetery you have a person to commemorate.  
  1. On certain nights of the trip we will be hearing you present your stories. Here is the schedule for these presentations – we want most of them done before we visit the cemetery for our commemoration ceremony.

  1. Can you please send me your write-ups as a Word document (including photographs, if you have them) as soon as possible so that I can do a posting of your person for the blog. Please send the Word document to


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