2020 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize Presentation Ceremony


The 2020 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize students with the Minister for Education, the Honourable John  Gardner MP at the Anzac House ceremony on 28 September 2020.

Celebrating the prize at Anzac House

On 28 September at Anzac House, the 2020 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize students were awarded with their medallions and certificates by the Honourable John Gardner MP, Minister for Education. The ceremony was a wonderful opportunity to congratulate the 2020 student group and celebrate the 14th Year of the prize in South Australia. 

The ceremony was addressed by Minister Gardner, Mr Rick Persse (CE Department for Education), RSL SA Vice President Mr Trevor Whitelaw OAM, Bob Kearney OAM and 2019 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize students Montana Foster and William Wiseman. The photographs below show that the event was one to remember and provided a great opportunity for all those involved in supporting and participating in the prize to share and mingle.

Minister Gardner addresses the gathering

2019 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize students Montana and William

Robert Kearney OAM, RSL SA delegate for the 2019 and 2020 tours

Rick Persse, Chief Executive of the Department for Education

2020 student awardees with their medallions and certificates


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