The 2021 Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize is happening now!


The 2021 Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize is happening now!

Although this blog is all about the study tour for the 2020 awardees, the 2021 Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize is currently being undertaken in South Australian schools. As 2020 awardees, we would love you to encourage students in your schools to enter the 2021 competition for the prize. At this stage, the 2021 awardees and selected teachers will be also be travelling to Darwin and the Top End - probably in October 2021. Here is the information on the 2021  Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize - similar but slightly different this year in regards to the task set.

The 2021 Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize was launched on 11 November, Remembrance Day 2020. The theme for this year is the multicultural soldier and the poster above profiles soldiers with  Irish and Indian backgrounds (Hindu and Muslim). The Soldiers in World War 1 came from all backgrounds and this year we encourage students to seek out the diversity of stories and backgrounds of the multicultural soldier who went to war for Australia. A future posting on this blog will tell the story of the soldiers profiled on the poster.

The task for 2021

The prize is open to all South Australian students in Years 9 and 10 in 2021.

To enter students are required to respond to the following tasks. Their entries will be judged

on the structure and clarity of their response for Parts A and B.


Part A:

Using a range of sources, research the experience of a South Australian service man or woman who served (Navy, Army, Air Force, Nursing or other service duties ) during World War 1 and/or World War 2. (Maximum 1500 words)

Worth: 15 marks


a.   Describe his/her background and life before departing for war (2 marks).

b.   Describe his/her service during the relevant World War/s and the circumstances of their death or their life after the war/s (5 marks).

c.    Use a range of primary and secondary sources such as photographs, maps, artefacts, diary entries, books and archival materials and ensure that they are correctly cited in the list of references. (4 marks).

d.   Using evidence drawn from your research, explain how your individual reflected the Anzac Spirit characteristics of perseverance and mateship (4 marks).


Part B:

How did you gather the evidence about your individual in order to tell their story? In your response, explain the process you undertook  when researching your individual (Maximum 500 words)

Worth: 5 marks

Entries are to be forwarded electronically (by email) to  by Friday, 21 May 2021 at 5 pm. (If electronic submission is not possible, entries can be posted to: Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize, GPO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001).

For more information on the 2021 Premiers' Anzac Spirit School Prize go to 2021 Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize - Veterans SA | Veterans SA 


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