Some more photographs from the Award Ceremony with the Premier

As promised, here is a selection of images taken by the professional photographer (Shaun) from ClickFilms we contracted for the ceremony. Some great photographs!  Jodie will send the link to the photo gallery to download the photographs this Tuesday.

Some of the 2021 awardees with the Premier

Tour teacher Janine Fedorchuk-Weeks with the Premier

2020 awardee Lara Nguyen thank the Premier

2020 awardee Zoe Raynes talks to the ceremony about her experience as an awardee

Teacher Jodie O'Donnell recognised for their contribution to the prize over the years. Presented by Jodie Stephenson, Program Support Officer for the prize.

Teacher Stephen Uren recognised for their contribution to the prize over the years

Ezra Lockwood with Principal Michael Clisby, mother Amanda and Bec Learey from Horizon Christian School

Some of the 2020 awardees with Malcolm, Bec and Bob 


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