These stories all came to life for me on the morning of the 25th of April

The best way to have concluded the best trip by Ned Uren Anzac Day away in Darwin felt like the best way we could have concluded our trip. A day centred on commemoration, sacrifice, respect felt so special while being on the Anzac Spirit School Prize study tour. As the trip begun in Darwin talking about the bombing of Darwin and the Territories strong military involvement, I had learnt that the city of Darwin’s character was built on the foundations of actions by the brave people of Darwin during the bombing and throughout. Hearing stories of the soldiers brave enough to man anti-aircraft guns with nothing more than a towel to clothe them or the brave actions by the hospital ship the Manunda. These stories all came to life for me on the morning of the 25 th of April. The dawn service as highlighted in the photo above was an extremely powerful service that made me feel almost indebted to those who have served for our country. As the Dawn Service continued and the s...