We were all so different, but I guess that’s what brought us together


Friendship by Aston Joshy

Friendship. From the day I got to the airport and saw all the other 19 faces I knew the butterflies in my stomach would never fly away. I was scared to be honest and the fact that I was going to live with them for the next ten days made me feel worse. I said goodbye to my parents and started talking to the first boy I saw; it was pretty awkward, and I couldn’t talk about anything we had in common. We got on the plane and turbulence hit like crazy along with a squeal form my throat that cracked up the two other kids laughing beside me. Finally, we had something in common and that was our laughter. That was the moment that I started talking to everyone else. We were all so different, but I guess that’s what brought us together. Sharing bus rides for several hours, to everyone sipping off the one slushy I bought, to jumping in the river and commemorating the ANZAC soldiers at the harbour together. The friendship that I made on this trip; meeting all these amazing like-minded people and sharing our common love to history was one of the greatest blessings that I have ever had in my life. A blessing which I hope never ended. I’m happy and I’m glad because like the ANZAC’s I got to form lifelong friendships with 19 kids I had never seen before in my life. It all went by so fast and I wish I could live every moment just a bit longer. But I guess you never realise the true beauty of the present until it has passed. 


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