To articulate the lesson I have learnt


I felt so simple and small, in contrast to the great structures that surrounded me by Vinka Lakic

History is the product of one man’s determination to defy the economic and political pressures that consume the world around him; and the greatness to inspire millions after him.

If I were asked to articulate the lesson I have learnt from this entire trip, I would reply: neither celebrated nor seldom heeded historical events should deter us from acknowledging the significance of every historical event.

Reflecting on the trip, a highlight of mine certainly lies in the Nit Nit Dreaming Cruise in Nitmilik (Katherine) Gorge; this experience was beautiful and scenic, capturing the authentic beauty of the environment and the fauna and flora that inhibits it. As I absorbed the picturesque views, I felt as if I had been transported to another realm, believing that I would never have felt so in awe of nature; and ironically, amid my thoughts, I felt so simple and small, in contrast to the great structures that surrounded me. 

There is also another highlight that I will never forget; and that is the ANZAC Day service that, as a tour group, we attended. As we found our seats, I felt goosebumps – goose bumps to think that I had the opportunity to commemorate those who had made the ultimate sacrifice and whose actions and stories will live on forever. I forever will be grateful to have been chosen as one of two people to place a wreath on behalf of our group, a symbol of our gratitude for all those people fallen. Authentic and raw, this service detailed the significance the Bombing of Darwin remains to have in the city; and although how awful, the community has never wavered to forget the people who fought for them. This I admired most in the people of Darwin: their continual work to remember those who left their everyday lives – their dreams, their families, their passions – to protect an entire nation.

As a passionate historian, I left the City of Darwin with close friends who I am now able to grow beside and prosper with. I left with a greater understanding of how thousands epitomised the ANZAC Spirit, and with the resolution to uncover more inspiring stories that are yet to be told. This trip could not have been as amazing as it was without the continual dedication and effort of Aaron, Malcolm, Peter, Lauren, and Jodie, who never failed to enrich us with encouragement, knowledge, and memories we will never forget!



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