Changed my perspective on life forever


Changed my perspective on life forever

By Zoe Raynes

Looking back on all the memories from the trip it is hard to pick one photo that captures it all. The memories I have made, the stories I have heard and the incredible people I have met have changed my perspective on life forever. This trip has been the best experience of my life and I will forever be grateful for it. There are no words that can describe how these days have changed the way I look at life.

Something that will stay with me forever is the wisdom shared by Bob. His inspiring stories and wise words have been something I will never forget and forever be grateful for. He has changed the way I look at life and taught me valuable lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life.

There is no way to explain the impact this trip has had on me. I look back at photos and wish I could go back and do it all again exactly how it was. I have made lifelong friends that have taught me so much and I am so grateful for each and every one of them. The memories we made and the laughs we had will stay with me forever.

This has been an experience I will never forget. Once again, I have no words that can truly describe the joy and appreciation I have for the friends I have made, the lifechanging experiences I have had and every memory I have made. Thank you to all that made this trip possible, Malcom, Maddie, Bec, Bob and Jodie this has truly been the trip of a lifetime.


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