We did some things together that we will forever cherish


Singing "you are my sunshine” with Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

We did some things together that we will forever cherish

By Callum Barrott-Walsh

Early Friday the 16th of April we gathered at the Adelaide Airport with many of us barely knowing each other. However, as each great day of the trip progressed our friendships became stronger, and we all rallied around in great support of each other. Personally, it was hard to pinpoint just one great moment during the trip as I can definitely say every day was a highlight of my life for me!

Some of the things I will forever cherish from the trip are the great people I had the privilege of exploring and learning with and the wise and wonderful stories from the legend Bob. I think it’s safe to say that Bob’s stories are some of the greatest we have all heard as young people. Learning about Bob’s commendable service for this nation in both the Australian Defence Forces and as a prison manager and mentor for young prisoners really helped me reflect on the amazing courage of all people currently serving and veterans. Bob’s stories helped me put into perspective the challenges those men and women faced during the bombing of Darwin.

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to commemorate the many soldiers and nurses at the Adelaide River War Cemetery and reflect on some of the things Bob said and taught us.  Lastly, travelling with so many other passionate young people was truly an honour and I think we can all agree we had one of the best times in our lives and did some things together that we will forever cherish like singing “you are my sunshine” with Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor General.

I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Jodie, Tracey, Malcolm, Maddi, Bec, Bob and the South Australian Government for giving us the opportunity to never let the lives of so many courageous people who fought become forgotten and for your tireless efforts in planning this awesome educational trip! I would especially like to thank Malcolm, Maddi, Bec and Bob for accompanying us and teaching us so much, the four of you made the trip one of the greatest moments in my life! 


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