Unforeseeable, and yet, unforgettable


Unforeseeable, and yet, unforgettable

 By Lara Nguyen Bich-Loan

Reminiscing over our 10 days in the Northern Territory, it proved rather ambitious having to narrow everything down to one memorable moment. Leading up to the study tour, I was unsure in what to expect; I questioned myself and was extremely doubtful. Would I befriend anyone? Have I set my expectations too high for the trip? As these questions, alongside many others, ran through my mind, it was unforeseeable what I would experience on the trip, and yet, the trip had far exceeded my expectations.

Throughout the trip, we heard many inspirational stories. Stories in which were eloquently spoken and taught us many distinct lessons, either intentionally or not. On the eighth day of our trip, we had the opportunity to experience Marksie’s Stockman’s Camp Tucker Night. Under the starry night sky, Marksie entertained us while we had beef stew, damper, scones, jungle juice, and billy tea. Both the food and hospitality were of the highest quality, and I believe the same can be said for everyone else. It was one story that Marksie shared with us stood out in particular. From that story, he stated that he would continue his business until his day comes, and how he would never trade his business for anything. Although the story contained rather bittersweet undertones, I found that Marksie had inspired me to pursue a career in which I would enjoy; a career in which I would never trade for anything.

Most importantly, I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to Malcolm, Maddie, Bec, Bob, and Bushie for all their efforts throughout the trip. Thank you to Jodie and Tracey for all your work behind the scenes to ensure that this trip ran smoothly. A thank you to my teacher, Ms. Kambanaros for supporting me throughout the entire process, and a thank you to all the students on this trip! You all made this trip a truly unforgettable experience!


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