Allan Smith by Peter Cates


Our fantastic RSL SA delegate: Peter Cates

Allan Scott SMITH was born in Chatswood, Sydney on the 02 July 1908 to Cecil and Norah Scott-Smith. He was married to Amelia Scott-Smith from Bega in New South Wales.

Allan joined the Australian Merchant Navy on 26 August 1939 at the age of 30. He was a Third Officer in the Merchant Navy onboard the Hospital Ship, AHS Manunda which was anchored in Darwin Harbour when the bombing of Darwin occurred.  Despite her highly prominent red cross markings on a white background, the Manunda received several hits in the first Japanese air-raid on Darwin on the 19 February 1942.  Initially Manunda received a near miss with shrapnel going across her decks. Then a bomb exploded on B & C Decks, causing extensive injuries amongst the staff.

12 members of the ship's crew and hospital staff were killed, 19 others were seriously wounded and another 40 or so received minor wounds. 3rd Mate Allan Smith was among the injured.

Fortunately the Manunda’s main engines were undamaged and she was able to act as a casualty clearing station for injured personnel from other ships involved in the attack. Having collected as many casualties as possible the Manunda proceeded to sea and headed south to avoid further enemy attack.

Unfortunately, 3rd Mate Allan Smith died on the 20 February 1942 as a result of his injuries and was buried at sea between Darwin and Fremantle.

His name is listed on the cenotaph in the Adelaide River War Cemetery, Northern Territory. He is also listed on the Australian Merchant Seamen's Memorial, Kings Park Canberra.


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