Think about entering the Governor's Civics Awards for Schools program in 2023


Hi Premier's Anzac Spirit School prize students

Congratulations on being a magnificent group in Darwin this trip. Your co-operation, inquisitiveness and general interest in all aspects of the trip was amazing - as teachers, we congratulate you. We hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did.  We also encourage you to think about entering the Governor's Civics Awards for Schools program in 2023.  A brief video about the awards is at and the brochure at

The interest you showed about civics when you visited the Northern Territory Parliament indicated your interest in the area of civics and citizenship. Think about entering and having a go at being presented with this prestigious award in 2023.  

Those among you who are in Year 10 in a Department of Education school should also think about entering the Minister's Eden Prize. The question in 2023 is 'How can artificial intelligence make the world a better and happier place?' Information on the prize is at

All the best for your future studies and thanks for sharing the experience of the trip with us in April 2023..

The 2023 Darwin study tour teaching team


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