Welcome to Lauren Smith


As previously communicated, Liesl McPeake is unable to travel with us now and her teacher role has been taken by Lauren Smith from Wirreanda High School. Lauren travelled with the Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize study tour to Vietnam in 2019 and we are extremely pleased to welcome her to the tour party in 2023.  Here is a brief introduction from Lauren - we look forward for Lauren to meet you all and be part of the travel team. 

My name is Lauren and I am currently a Stage 2 Modern History teacher at Wirreanda Secondary School, as well as overseeing Research Project, PLP, SACE and VET Pathways. I am really excited to join you all on our Darwin Study Tour and develop my knowledge on the Darwin campaign. Previously, I have had three students win the Premier’s Anzac Spirit Prize (one being Annabel’s older brother) and was privileged to accompany the last tour to Vietnam in 2019. I have seen how the experiences associated with the research process, study tour, and public events can deepen student’s confidence and self-actualisation for their future so make the most of everything coming your way.  


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