The final pack - an updated list


A weather summary for April in Darwin to help with your planning and packing

Darwin: Daytime temperatures usually reach 33°C in Darwin in April with very high heat and humidity, falling to 24°C at night. Although the Dry Season, Darwin has on the average 8 days of rainfall and a monthly total of 97mm.


Items to pack - please note that a towel, pillow and bedsheet has been added to teh list you received in January.

*    You are to bring two items of luggage on the trip - a larger case/bag to be left at the hotel or stored under the bus when we go to Kakadu and a backpack for the cabin luggage on the flight and on the bus. 

*    You will be able to check-in your larger luggage (moderate size case/bag) onto the plane at the airport. The backpack will be cabin luggage. 

*    Keep to a minimum – we will be quite mobile and large cumbersome bags are not expected.

*    It is not recommended that you bring your laptop due to issues re: size, airport security hassle, breakage and security (iPads are OK).

*    Make sure clothing is labelled.

*    Put a copy of name, address and telephone numbers in each bag in case of loss


To pack in main luggage for the flight:

*    Black trouser/skirt and black shoes for formal ceremonies on tour

*    Bedsheet (top and bottom) and pillow for the nights in Kakadu National Park accommodation

*    Towel (not too large)

*    Toiletries

*    Insect repellent - mosquito spray (see Health Information sheet for details).

*    Sunburn cream 50+

*    Trousers – casual at least 2 pairs – to be lightweight long trousers and shorts.

*    Shirts neat casual – t-shirt/polo shirt short and long sleeved. You will be given  a tour polo shirt at the airport.

*    Socks and underwear – at least 6. Quick drying - we will need to wash regularly.       

*    No need for jumpers but at least 5 changes of light weight/cool clothes  it will be very hot and sweaty in Darwin.

*    Shoes that are good for walking and shoes for night time thongs only for the  pool.

*    Bathers

*    Rain jacket (poncho)

*    Hat  not just a cap - needs to provide good shade.

*    Folding umbrella

*    Sleepwear

*    Empty water bottle

*    A few zip lock plastic bags – various sizes – handy to have.

*    A few plastic bags for dirty washing/wet shoes etc.

*    Clothes pegs, a coat hanger and plastic string to dry things in room.

*    Jewellery in (zip lock bag) keep to the minimum!

*    Mobile phone chargers.

To be packed in the small backpack for the flight:

Small Medical kit – containing band aids, headache tablets, cold and flu                        medication, gastro 

tablets, throat lozenges, tissues etc.

* Medications required (in clear plastic zip lock bag).

*  Travel sickness medication (if required).

·     * Paperwork and itinerary etc.

·     * Sunglasses

·     * Notebook and pens.

·     * Mints or lollies (to unblock ears on take-off and landing).

·     * Reading material novel, magazines.

·     * Camera - if you want to bring one beyond your mobile phone.

 *Mobile phone/iPad earphones.


When on the trip, what to pack in your small backpack for travelling on the bus     and activities during the day


* Mosquito spray.

* Small Medical kit – containing band aids, headache tablets, cold and flu medication, gastro tablets, throat lozenges, tissues etc.

* Sunburn cream – 50+

* Hat

* Filled water bottle.

* Folding umbrella.

* Bathers 

* Towel

* Rain jacket (poncho).

* Medications required (in clear plastic zip lock bag).

* Travel sickness medication (if required).

* Sunglasses

* Notebook and pens.

* Mobile phone earphones.

* Camera - if you want to bring one beyond your mobile phone.


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