These images will mean something to you in one week!

Plans in place for the study tour with the final itinerary published

Just 6 days to go and all is going smoothly! The itinerary is still all in place – maybe just a few changes that may be determined by the weather when we are there but overall the activity program and accommodation details are finalised. 

Have a look at the program and get excited about what we will be seeing and doing.

Looking forward to see you all and get this trip underway.

In the meantime continue to read about the Top End of Australia we are visiting and keep researching about the 1942 bombing of Darwin by the Japanese during World War II and your service person you will commemorate on the tour.

The following images will give you an idea of the amazing visuals we will see as we tour Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Katherine and the Litchfield National Park.  Bring along your camera/phone to take your own images on the tour.  At this stage the selection of images from the itinerary shown below mean little to you but after visiting these places they will be in your memory forever.  Have a look at the itinerary to see the what, where and when of the images below and above.

When we return you will be asked to select and write about one of the images from the trip that you or others have taken - an image that means a lot to you from the trip.  


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